Monday, June 25, 2018

Today Is A Good Day To Do This!

If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves-Thomas Edison
How many times have we hesitated when confronted with an inspiration to do something that we felt had high impact potential? I’m sure each of us can think of many instances. As a child, however, how many times have we leaped out and done things that we didn’t give much thought to concerning its impact. It is probably taking much longer to come up with many of those instances because it’s possible that it has been a long time since we’ve stepped out without giving thought to the many limitations and possible consequences.
Having experience is usually a commodity in life. Sometimes, however, it can be an impediment to progress and living our dreams. Experience can teach us to limit life and to be afraid.
However, today is a good day to unleash the latches of experience and release the inner child of invincibility and adventure. Take the leap. Follow your dreams. Be who you crave. Astound yourself. Today is a good day to believe in yourself. And while you’re at it---act on those beliefs. You’ll once again experience the child-like exhilaration of being limitless and free!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

2018 Prophecy Concerning The New Global Order

This Prophecy was delivered to me in April of this year 2018. Over the next three to four decades, we will see the unfolding of a new Global order. Some of the words of this prophecy will manifest over the next three to five years. There is a sound in the heavens that will bring about a war in the heavens and an eventual end to an order.

1- Restructuring For Cushites
-         Today God has raised up a destructive leader in America to disrupt the order of things to begin to bring about a readjustment in the world's power structure. God is preparing the groundwork to raise up Cushite peoples around the globe, including in America to affect world policy.

2-      GOD NEEDS oppressed people to influence world policy
-         Religious oppression was at an all-time high in Europe when God moved Europeans to America for the ultimate purpose to bring about a free nation that would help facilitate the freedom not only to serve God in a free manner but to spread that freedom around the globe and be a vehicle for spiritual deliverance. The problem is that America forgot the command God gave Israel about oppressing other people. (Ex.23:9). Israel failed in that command and America failed in that command.

3-      God Will Raise Up New World Powers

-         God has raised up leadership that will bring about a demotion of America and Israel in influence over foreign policy. There is coming a time of confusion on the world stage where a race for influence will ensue and will grow to a boiling point that will allow for new influences on world policy. People of the darker nations will rise in influence over policy within individual nations, then world policy.
-         African nations will grow in influence and Christians will have influence in those nations.
-         There will be small skirmishes and conflicts as nations compete for world domination. While this is happening, there will be an increase in economic, military power and influence among select African Nations, as well as some individual leaders on that continent. There will arise new alliances on their part on the world stage. As many alliances on the world stage change, there will be small conflicts, skirmishes, and confusion. Keep your eye on African Nations that have not only a significant amount of Christians but those that have strong Christian Ministries in them.

4-      White Supremacy

-         Black people will not have to fight white supremacy on its own any longer. There will be a universal approach. A multi-pronged attack from many and diverse kinds of people that will collectively and systematically begin to tear at the whole premise behind white supremacy and privilege, and will challenge the status quo.

5-      Transitions From Western Powers/New Currencies

-         West European Nations will decline significantly in power, with the exception of Germany. There will always be a light in America because of the people of God, but America will no longer be the sole military and economic world power. America will come down just a few pegs. New powerful currencies will arise that will challenge the dollar and thus America's financial dominance.
          There will be much activity in terms of global transitions over the next
           three to four decades.


Saturday, June 16, 2018

A Father’s Day Message To Women And Clergy

Father’s Day, like Mother’s Day, is a day set aside for the nation to honor fatherhood and the influence of fatherhood upon society. As Mother’s Day honors and celebrates motherhood and its influence upon society, these particular days are to honor parents on their respective days.

However, there is a grave breach that has developed over the years with regard to the celebration of these two holidays. The currents of these vicious winds continue to grow as a poison in our society, of which I must address.

While we happily and most passionately celebrate and honor our mothers of society, regardless of those who have faltered in their maternal responsibilities, we have allowed an undercurrent of disrespect of fathers to arise in our community dialogue. While both genders have those who have not lived up to their parental responsibilities, and who have caused damages and breaches within family structures, the vast majority of fathers and mothers fulfill their role honorably.

However, too often the hurt women of our communities, use this holiday to speak rebukes and launch sarcasm of all kinds to fathers they consider to be not living up to what they try to mentally construct as “true fatherhood.”
Every Father’s day, diatribes and sketches arise trying to preach and teach what individuals think what fatherhood should be. The current continues to grow into a dangerous wind that has engulfed clergy and other men who pander to the favor of women and join in during this day to poke at fatherhood.

Yet, on mother’s day, year after year, all clergy go way out to honor and shower overwhelming love to mothers on their day. There can be no voice found on Mother’s day, trying to preach, rebuke, or even teach and mildly correct mothers. It is because it is appropriately known, that this is a day of honor and celebration too and for mothers….not workshop day for mothers. This is not a day for mothers to be sat down in a classroom to be corrected and taught what motherhood is all about. There is all year for that. This day, it is time to celebrate all mothers; regardless of any shortcomings, one may perceive they may have in their maternal performance.

Why is it then, that fathers have been under the whip every father ’s day? Why is it that we are easily taken over by this undercurrent of disrespect of fathers on the day meant to honor us?

On behalf of all the fathers in the earth who hear enough societal lambasting, correction, and rebuke throughout the year;
And on behalf of scores of children who attempt to appropriately honor their fathers on this special day, but are thronged on this day by those mixed societal messages calling for “real fathers” and feel this is the time to try to define what they think fatherhood is all about;
I implore you to stop the disrespect of fathers and their holiday. From the depths of my prophetic voice, I issue a cease and desist order to you.
I humbly petition all clergy who write their father’s day sermons under the influence of this poisonous current to come to a screeching halt and go to God the heavenly father for instructions on how to honor earthly fathers on father’s day.
I ask all women to please take the example of Sonora Sweet Dodd, a woman, founder of Father’s day which originated in Spokane Washington, 1910. This great woman knew the influence of fatherhood, as her father, a civil war veteran, was a single parent who raised 6 kids. She used her womanhood to go around and promote the celebration of fathers when she saw that there was a day honoring mothers.

I also ask you to take the example from Grace Golden Clayton who pushed her church to have the first Father’s Day Service at the William Methodist Episcopal Church South in West Virginia on July 5, 1908.

Ms. Clayton used her pain to bring about a positive outcome. You see, it was after a mining accident the winter before, that killed over five hundred men and instantaneously created almost one thousand fatherless children, that she pushed and helped her Pastor organize a Father’s Day service. Her father, a minister also, died in that accident.

I continue to plead with the women of our communities to follow the example of Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith who, in 1957, pressured Congress to back a national holiday honoring fathers and who wrote a rebuke to Congress for ignoring fathers.
President Nixon finally signed into law, Father’s Day as a national holiday in 1972.

These women were the forerunners who made this holiday happen. They used their womanhood to help repair societal breaches by promoting the honoring of men, not promoting their individual pain in the denigration of the men of our society. They realized that the foundation of any strong society begins with men and their fathering and that their womanhood is essential in girding up and supporting the male foundation. Actually, its success depends on the support of the women.

Today, great women continue to support the foundation of manhood and its impact on society as a woman such as Diane Sears, United States Coordinator of International Men’s Day, promotes nationally, activities celebrating men’s role in society, as well as promoting good gender relations. Great women such as Cathleen Williams who started and is Coordinator of International Men’s Day in New York continues to influence and impact our family structure in celebrating men’s achievements and promoting men’s health, well-being and good gender relations in the great and influential state of New York.

Women and clergy are in a strategic position and must realize their dialogue must be part of the solution and not the problem. Using the holiday that is designed to honor fathers to denigrate them is not part of the solution, but part of the problem.

On what is now the 46th anniversary of Father’s Day as a national holiday, it is time to be part of the solution.